Monday, March 31, 2008



Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, business associates. Cell phone is termed to be one of the fastest means of communication and has an important role to play in our daily activities.
I strongly believe that it is the perfect way to stay connected with others which also provides the household with sense of security. For instance, the household may need cell phone in event of emergency. To that effect, most households may buy cell phone because it allows help to reach quickly and safely.
In addition to that, modern cell phones are capable of internet access, sending and receiving photos and files, and some of the cell phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing for use in most locations around the world and allowing the cell phone to be found or the user located in the event of loss or emergency. So after having experienced this, the household might decide to buy a cell phone since it can serve almost the purpose as laptop, and this situation, it doesn’t inconvenience the household to move around with laptop.
It was only in those days that the households were discouraged in the use of cell phones because the y were bulky, expensive, and some even needed a base unit that had to be transported along with phone. Also during that early times, the households were experiencing poor reception and the major problem is that the cell phone, could only be used in a certain location where the signal was particularly strong, but due to the advancement of cell technology, many households have not been finding it difficult to use cell phone. Due to the improvement and installation of satellites and wireless services, the household have now decided to be buying cell phone and its cost was now reduced so that an average household can afford to buy one.


In recent times, many households have developed interest in cell phones, some say that since they can buy cell phone that has camera, that it saves them money rather than buying a separate camera and phone, with this latest development of technology(invention),this have encouraged many households. Some household also say that they will only buy cell phones because of its functions which can help to reduce the issue of buying laptops because most of the cell phones can do the work of laptops. So for now, the cell phones are accessible because the producers made it to be cheap so as to enable the household to procure it,also,the cell phone can be accessed from any part of the world now and one can easily communicate at his/her own private time and at any place. The households have considered many factors with regards to comparing the services of cell phone to that of laptop, and I can say that since the use of cell phone is more encouraging in the sense that when ever one recharge his phone, he will able to make calls, and when there is no credit balance in the cell phone, the user of the cell phone can also receive calls, but in terms of laptops, the user must subscribe on monthly besis,and when he/she fails to subscribe, it will be disconnected. So the use of cell phone is more reliable and cheaper


The cell phone which is a necessity for every household is needed for different purpose, for example, when people are very sick at home or when there is an accident, it is now the use of cell phone that will be used to communicate the first aid department/ambulance so as to give the person quick medical attention, so if the effective use of cell phone is not encouraged, it can help to save people’s life (emergency).
The modernization of cell phones has rendered services to people, the cell phone has many fuctions,depending on the particular product or model the person acquired, sometimes when the household wants to acquire a cell phone, he looks at the functions, depending on what he has in mind of using it for. Some may acquire it by going to the stores or by direct transaction with the manufacturer, and the cell phone manufacturers have produced a wide range of cell phones which sell for prices that are affordable


This is a forum where there is exchange of information about the cell phone and this information could get to the household through advertisements from the TV or from papers, most often some cell phone manufacturing companies move about, trying to know households opinions with regards to there technologies, it is at the end of the conversation with the household that the manufacturers will know the areas to improve there technology.
There is another means of conversation which the cell phone communication manufacturers have created which is called the customer service department, and all contacts, conversation,
Enquiries and information are free, so this will also make it easy for the public and private about the new technologies. It is also during this period that the household makes enquiries about the cell phone accessories and the maintenance


In my own point of view, I feel that the household’s expectation is on new technology and how the will benefit from it, also there have been a good relationship among the public and private household and also the manufacturers of cell phone have also in mind to work more effectively to see that the problems of the households are solved
A remarkable result was recorded that the households have never had in mind of discarding cell phones even when there seems to me economical problems.

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